special BREAKİNG news...
Rand Paul Claims 'Hatred For Trump' Hinders ... Laurence Tribe: If Garland doesn't prosecute Trump, the rule of law is "out the window"... Don’t Negotiate With Trump’s Disease-Spreading Zombie Army... Be Glad Donald Trump Isn’t Running the Show in Afghanistan... Rep. Jim Jordan Suddenly Remembers At Least One ... POLITICO Playbook: About Jim Jordan’s other Jan. 6 call with Trump.... CD C to Spend Millions of Taxpayer Dollars on Gun ‘Health Threat’ - first they ban evictions for people who don't pay their rent, now this? I thought the CDC was supposed to be about studying scary diseases in funny suits. Looks like they're going down the same road as MTV and History Channel. Focus! .. CDC to Spend Millions of Taxpayer Dollars on Gun ‘Health Threat’ - first they ban evictions for people who don't pay their rent, now this? I thought the CDC was supposed to be about studying scary diseases in funny suits. Looks like they're going down the same road as ...